The school charges reasonable fees to keep its expenses at the even break. All fees are due and payable each semester or per month per year in advance. It needs to be noted that college reserves the right to change the tuition and /or charges as it deems necessary. Every effort shall be made to keep the fees at reasonable level.
Other fees may include the following:
a) External Examinations,
b) Remedial Examinations,
c) Makeup Examinations.
Registration fee= 500 Birr twice per year
Monthly payment
Department: Pharmacy
Monthly Fee =
Department: Medicine
Monthly Fee = 5000
Department: Medical Radiology Technology
Monthly Fee = 1800
Department: BSC Nursing
Monthly Fee = 1000
Department: Clinical Nursing
Monthly Fee =
Department: ANESTHESIA
Monthly Fee = 1250
Department: Laboratory
Monthly Fee =